— Methods for regional and local data sources

Submodules module, start_date, end_date, products, days_per_request=None, cache_dir=None)[source]

bare bones retrieval script for NOAA Tides and Currents data. In particular, no error handling yet, doesn’t batch requests, no caching, can’t support multiple parameters, no metadata, etc.

days_per_request: break up the request into chunks no larger than this many days. for hourly data, this should be less than 365. for six minute, I think the limit is 32 days., product, start_date, end_date, days_per_request='M', cache_dir=None, refetch_incomplete=True, clip=True)[source]

Retrieve a single data product from a single station. station: string or numeric identifier for COOPS station product: string identifying the variable to retrieve, such as “water_level”.

See all_products at the top of this file.

start_date,end_date: period to retrieve, as python datetime, matplotlib datenum, or numpy datetime64. days_per_request: batch the requests to fetch smaller chunks at a time. if this is an integer, then chunks will start with start_date, then start_date+days_per_request, etc.

if this is a string, it is interpreted as the frequency argument to pandas.PeriodIndex.

so ‘M’ will request month-aligned chunks. this has the advantage that requests for different start dates will still be aligned to integer periods, and can reuse cached data.

cache_dir: if specified, save each chunk as a netcdf file in this directory,
with filenames that include the gage, period and products. The directory must already exist.

returns an xarray dataset, or None if no data could be fetched

refetch_incomplete: if True, if a dataset is pulled from cache but appears incomplete
with respect to the start_date and end_date, attempt to fetch it again. Not that incomplete here is meant for realtime data which has not yet been recorded, so the test is only between end_date and the last time stamp of retrieved data.

clip: if true, return only data within the requested window, even if more data was fetched., params)[source]

Mold the JSON response from COOPS into a dataset module

Module contents